6/1 Abelyan str
Տեղեկատվական տեխնոլոգիաներ
The Company was established in 1992 as a subsidiary of Armenian Scientific and Research Institute of Computer Techniques and Informatics. Management staff of the Company headed activities to build a leading IT company with a focus on Software Development, Hardware trade, Network and IT Integrated Solutions. In 2000 CIT was restructured into a private enterprise, which streamlined the company to become a self-sustaining and profitable business. CIT’s vision is based on the concepts of providing sound leadership and assuring success for our customers. The Company’s uppermost goal is to see successful customers. This is achieved by providing superior service and products that are designed and delivered by a Staff of leading experts, through Partnerships with market leaders and coupled with extensive experience from the History. We believe our approach will position us amongst the world’s leading IT companies. Satisfaction of our customers shown by repeat orders and positive feedbacks indicates that CIT is on the right track.